Your Parenting On Purpose Toolbox

This is where I share weekly tools and strategies to help support you both as a parent, and in living your best life — so you can be an example of what's possible for your kids.

Feel free to browse or find what you need in the categories in the right-hand column.  I hope this inspires you, and by all means: COMMENT. I'm always open to feedback.

Top Tips for Fun Family Vacations Jun 29, 2023

It’s summer…  and a time that many families take vacations together.  I don’t know about you, but I tended to go into a vacation thinking that I would unplug and unwind.  Unfortunately, what I typically imagined and reality were worlds apart.  Taking vacations as a family was often more stressful than work!  Can you relate?

Family vacations and traveling with kids can be...

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A Father's Gift of Belief Jun 15, 2023

If I asked you what you want your kids to believe about themselves, what would you tell me? As I work with parents and ask this question, I get different responses but most are relatively similar to my thoughts and what I want my own kids to believe. 

So I’m going to imagine that like me, you want your kids to believe that they are strong, capable, kind, and overall awesome.  You want them to believe...

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Dealing with Sibling Conflicts Jun 08, 2023

Are you looking forward to the freedom of summertime, or are you nervous about your kids being together more?  For many families, summer means less scheduled days and more down time.  It also means more time for siblings to play together, and fight.  From name-calling, yelling, poking and hitting, to the annoying “he’s looking at me” — if you have multiple children, you will have...

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Help Kids End The School Year Strong May 31, 2023

As we get closer to the end of the school year — with extra activities and schedule changes — are you experiencing more behavior issues with your child?  

This is an issue that is coming up with a number of the families that I’m coaching.  Parents are showing up for coaching meetings in a bit of a panic because the outbursts are unpredictable and seem to be ramping up.  I had one...

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Help Kids Build Frustration Tolerance May 25, 2023

Is your child easily frustrated, having meltdowns, or giving up as soon as things get challenging?  Do you tiptoe around your child, not sure what will set them off?

I had a set of parents tell me last night that they’re so tired of the drama and fights with their son.  When things don’t go his way, he quickly escalates.  The day we met he had a meltdown over his mother asking him to put his...

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How To Support & Improve Your Childā€™s Mental Health May 18, 2023

As parents, most of us work hard to keep our kids physically healthy.  We make sure they get to their physicals every year, we feed them nutritious food, and we take them to the doctor when they’re sick.  But have you ever really thought about how to support your child’s mental health?

Children’s mental health is just as important as their physical health, and the CDC reports that as many as...

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A Mother's Gift Of Unconditional Love May 10, 2023

Can you describe the love you feel for your child?  

I don’t know about you, but I actually have a hard time putting into words the depth of love that I have for my kids.  Becoming a mother changed me like nothing else, and watching my kids grow into considerate and caring young adults has been both a joy and privilege.

For many of us, the love that we have for our children knows no bounds. ...

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Redefining Raising Mentally Healthy Kids emotional intelligence emotional management May 03, 2023

What does raising a mentally healthy child mean to you?  For many parents, it means raising kids that generally feel good and positive.  Unfortunately, this definition can have parents trying to protect their children from “negative” feelings and challenging situations, and detract from their developing mental strength and resilience.

As a coach for parents of kids struggling with BIG Feelings,...

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Why you DON'T want your kids to always cooperate easily confident kids raising kids Apr 27, 2023

Do you ever stop to think that it might be a good thing when your child challenges you?  My daughter was particularly strong willed as a child and did not always cooperate easily.  To be completely honest, I did not think that it was a good thing at the time.  I wanted her to listen and cooperate more often, but she truly had a mind of her own.

The battles I remember most were over her clothes, and...

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How Do I Get My Kids To Listen? helping kids listen Apr 20, 2023

Do you struggle to get your kids to listen?  A Mom at a recent workshop shared her frustration around her daughter not listening to her, and I could see other parents nodding their heads because they struggle with the same thing.

When parents are struggling with getting kids to listen, they are typically looking for tips and strategies for their kids.  As a coach, I know that how the parent responds to their...

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When your child's first reaction is to yell brain development in children emotional management Apr 13, 2023

When you ask your child to do something, do they respond by yelling?  I had a Mom tell me that her biggest issue is that her son’s first reaction to anything he doesn't like is to yell, and I can share that she is definitely not alone in this struggle.  

As a coach for parents that are struggling with kids that have BIG feelings, I hear many parents tell me that their kids are defiant, difficult,...

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How to set effective consequences that make sense Apr 06, 2023

When your child isn’t listening or behaving as you would like, do you find yourself saying: 

If you don’t stop that you’re going to lose the iPad!
If you don’t listen, you can’t go on your playdate tomorrow. 

In my recent blog about threats, I shared how many parents end up using threats because they think their kids are out of control — but that’s not usually the...

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